Contribution to the reduction of geology-related natural risks in West Cameroon highlands
(Central Africa)

F. M. Tchoua, Jean Pierre Tchouankoue, A. D. Kagou, D. G. Nkouathlo, G. Kouepouo, S. Tetsopgang
Dpt. of Earth Sciences, Univ. Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812 Yaounde, Cameroon. Fax: +237-22 18 73,
E-mail: Tchouankoue@uycdc.uninet.cm

Tectonic activity contributed in West-Cameroon to topographical elevation of the Precambrian basement as well as the building up of the Tertiary Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) formed of volcanic and pluto-volcanic complexes culminating at Mt Cameroon (4100 m). These high reliefs with a mean altitude of 1400 m are subject to various natural risks and hazards such as gas bursts (lakes Monoun and Nyos), mass movements (road-cuts, landslides, mudflows). In the area characterised by high fertile soils, high population densities, there is a great need for investigations concerning reduction of these geology related natural risks. In this perspective, works are currently carried out for the realisation of a risk map and the study of some specific cases.

We report here the state of geology-related natural risks in West-Cameroon Highlands as well as preliminary results of our work for the case study of Mt Bana anorogenic complex (2097 m) characterised by the current collapse of a motor highway at Bana pass.